Saturday, April 27, 2013

"I'm black. I'm gay."

- Nevada State Senator Kelvin Atkinson -

In an intense debate about marriage equality, Nevada State Senator Kelvin Atkinson came out as gay. "I'm black. I'm gay", he said.

Senator Atkinson announced to fellow senators that he is homosexual during a legislative debate over the proposal to repeal the Nevada's gay marriage ban. "I know this is the first time many of you have heard me say that I am black, gay male", he added.

After the speeches, the Nevada Senate voted in favor of the measure, 12 votes to 9, which would repeal the prohibition on same-sex marriage from the State constitution. 

Now, the State Assembly takes over this proposal. If it finally passes, the State constitutional amendment will have to be voted by all citizens of Nevada.

A new step for equality in U.S.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

25.000 views... you make it possible!

I started blogging last November 19th and today my blog has reached 25.000 views. I can't believe it, but time flies.

I have to thank all my readers and followers because they make it possible. Their interest and support, and their suggestions and comments too, let me to improve everyday and motivate me to continue.

But, nothing of this could be possible without help and advices of my husband Ryce Skytower, I love you baby!

you make it possible!


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Awesome Mont Saint-Michel in Second Life (2)

Earlier this month I posted about the wonderful Mont Saint-Michel in Second Life, owned by Moeka Kohime, and you all could see the awesome panoramic and outdoor views from that site.

As I promised, today I post some close up shots and interior of buildings' photos, to show you the incredible and perfectionist work to reconstruct this famous French little island-village in the virtual world.

Highly recommended, please visit this place when you can and enjoy, it's worth it!

If you wish, you can see my previous post here. And Eddi Haskell also has more photographs in his blog

Use this SLURL to visit the Mont Saint-Michel in Second Life.

France, the 14th country where same-sex marriage is legal

This tuesday, the same-sex marriage law has been definitely approved in France.

The French parliament has passed, with 331 votes to 225, the final text that authorizes marriage equality and opens the possibility of homosexual couples to adopt. In addition to marriage and adoption, the text provides that gay couples already married in countries where same-sex marriage is authorized, as Spain, can be legally recognized in France. 

The law also adds a new provision to combat discrimination by prohibiting any action or dismissal sanction against an employee who refuses, because of their sexual orientation, to emigrate to a country where homosexuality was repressed.

The French government hopes to end the important social debate of last months, which caused a big movement of opposition that has surprised by its breadth and radicalization. Supporters and opponents have gathered again in different places of Paris to celebrate or protest for this law. 

In any  case, France becomes the 9th European country, and 14th in the world, to allow gay marriages, after the recent approvals of Uruguay and New Zealand.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Saint George's Day in Barcelona

Saint George is the patron saint of Catalonia, like in several Christian nations and countries. This Catalan feast has similarities to Valentine's Day because the main event is the exchange of gifts between sweethearts, loved and relatives.

The Catalan tradition is to celebrate this day with roses and books. For that reason, in Barcelona and all cities and villages of Catalonia, people give away roses and books to each other.

Roses have been associated with this day since medieval times, but the books are more recent and commemorate the nearly simultaneous death of Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare on April 23.

A big festive day to show our love to people we love.

A nice tradition, isn't it?

The Barcelona's Rambla very crowded

The traditional red roses

The stalls of books on the streets

Of course, there are also rainbow roses

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Boy Scouts of America could Lift Gay Ban for Youth Members

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) propose ending the ban for openly youth gays members, a spokesman has informed. But this proposal has to submit to the vote of the Scout's National Council, at a meeting in Texas the week of May 20.

If this proposal is approved no youth may be denied membership in the BSA on the basis of their sexual orientation, but the ban will remain for all adult leaders.

The debate over whether to admit gay and lesbian members to the Boy Scouts has divided the organization with important internal discussions, and placed the group in the center of a nationwide debate over gay rights. 

In any case, “While perspectives and opinions vary significantly, parents, adults in the Scouting community, and teens alike tend to agree that youth should not be denied the benefits of Scouting,” the organization said in a statement.

I also want to highlight the task of Scouts for Equality to ending the BSA's ban on gay, who have collected over 1.850.000 signatures opposing, and specially one of its founders, Zach Wahls, for his continued and effective effort in favor of the equality. 

All my best wishes and support!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Bock in Second Life: Rassurez Vous (Fear Not)

Please, read this post in Bock McMillan's blog.

Bock in Second Life: Rassurez Vous (Fear Not)

Mike Fédée is a young French filmmaker that...

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

New Zealand Approves Same-sex Marriage

Finally, the New Zealand's Parliament has approved the same-sex marriage bill. In the third and last vote required, the MPs voted 77 to 44 in favor of marriage equality.

Louisa Wall, the sponsor of this bill, said she is “very proud to be a member of a Parliament that has voted overwhelmingly to give New Zealanders, regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, or gender, the right to marry.”

After positive steps taken by France and Uruguay to legalize same-sex marriage, New Zealand will be the 13rd country where gay people can wed as heterosexual people do.

Very good news in this long and hard journey.

MP Louisa Wall, sponsor of this bill
The moment same-sex marriage became legal in New Zealand

One of the demonstration for marriage equality in Wellington

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Oxfam's Campaign: GROW

Oxfam International alerts that soon we will be nine billion of persons in our planet, but almost a billion of us go hungry every day.

Food and oil prices. Flat-lining yields. Climate change. Unfair trade. Failing markets. Inequality between men and women. Land grabs. All of these issues are connected, and all of them are contributing to a broken global food system.

But we can brow in a better way, then it's time to GROW

We can grow more food more fairly and more sustainably. We can press governments and companies to take urgent action to reform bad policies, to preserve scarce resources and share them fairly.

Check the site of and see what you can do.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

French Senate passes the Article of Same-sex Marriage Bill

On Tuesday night, French Senate passed the most important article of same-sex marriage bill, that means marriage equality is legal in France. 

After ten hours of intense debate, the French Senate voted 179 to 157 in favor of the article allowing same-sex couples to wed. This article assures the legalization of gay marriage in the country. 

But this law will only go into effect once the Senate approves all of its component parts. It will take several weeks to pass all the law yet. One article still pending approval would allow gay married couples to adopt too.

In any case, France is the 12th country in the world where gay people can wed as heterosexual people do. The others countries are Belgium, Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Canada, Argentina and South Africa.

I hope UK, New Zealand, Uruguay and other countries follow in the footsteps of France. Hopefully this could also influence in the U.S. Suprem Court.

Félicitations à France!

One of the demonstrations in favour of equal marriage in Paris

French Senate
French Justice Minister Christiane Taubira

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Awesome Mont Saint-Michel in Second Life

We all know there are a lot of wonderful places in Second Life, but today I would like to highlight an amazing Sim: Le Mont Saint-Michel, owned by Moeka Kohime.

It is one of the most realistic places I've ever visited. You will enjoy visiting every spot and corner of this awesome reconstruction of the famous French little island-village.

In the current post I show you some panoramic and outdoor views, but in a next post I will show you any close up shots and some interiors of buildings.

I only add that you should visit this incredible place when you can, it is really worth it!

Use this SLURL to visit the Mont Saint-Michel in Second Life.

Eddi Haskell also has photographs of Mont San-Michel in his blog today.

Eddi has a new gallery featuring large-scale landscape photography. Through April 30, he is featuring the photography of France in his gallery.  You can visit his new gallery here:

Eddi  also have a related feature on the photography of virtual France sims in the April issue of GMP magazine which you can find here on page 72:

Monday, April 8, 2013

Gay? There's nothing queer about it

This time, I want to share a video which claims that homosexuality is still taboo in the professional team sports.

The Royal Dutch Football Association (KNVB) released a campaign video to promote acceptance of homosexuality in soccer. The funny video features a player trapped inside a real life closet, and shows the difficulties of being like other teammates.
This video titled “Why not step out of the closet? The team is on your side” also highlights the importance of the team to create a safe environment for gay players to come out.

Despite the amusing staging, the important is the serious reflection on this anomalous situation in professional sports yet.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Brendon Ayanbadejo: a champion in and out of playing field

Brendon Ayanbadejo, NFL linebacker, has been realeased from Baltimore Ravens yesterday.

In 2013, Ayanbadejo has won the AFC championship against the New England Patriots. The Ravens went on to play in Super Bowl XLVII on February 3, against the San Francisco 49ers, and won 34-31, becoming Super Bowl champions.

He says it has not been his gay rights activism that caused him to be cut from the team, it has been the age. "At 36, it’s simply the nature of this sport", he admits.

Ayanbadejo supports marriage equality since 2009, and he remembers that NFL has to accept LGBT community.

His advocacy for legalizing same-sex marriage rather suddenly became a cause célèbre in September 2012, after Maryland State Delegate Burns wrote a letter to Baltimore Ravens owner Steve Bisciotti, demanding him to "take the necessary action... to inhibit such expressions from your employee". Burns' letter was widely criticized as an effort to infringe on Ayanbadejo's right to free speech. 

After the Burns letter was delivered, Ayanbadejo publicly announced that, as the son of interracial parents whose own marriage would have been illegal in 16 states prior to the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark decision in 1967, he had no intention of remaining silent on an issue of conscience and public importance. 

Ayanbadejo has received widespread support in the world of football. Among others, Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe wrote a scathing response to Burns, while the Ravens also publicly sided with him. In February 2013, Ayanbadejo and Kluwe filed a joint amicus brief with the Supreme Court in support of same-sex marriage, particularly in the case dealing with California Proposition 8.

All my admiration for this champion!

Watch the recent Thomas Roberts's interview to Brendon Ayanbadejo in MSNBC.

And others videos about Ayanbadejo's support to gay rights.