Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The Houthis, Iran' allies, continue their barbarism in Yemen

The Houthi authorities in Yemen increased persecution of people based on their real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity, after two courts sentenced more than 40 people either to death, flogging or prison over charges related to same-sex conduct.

A criminal court in Dhamar, in northern Yemen, sentenced nine people to death, with seven sentenced to be executed by stoning and two by crucifixion, while 23 others were handed prison sentences ranging between six months and ten years on charges including “homosexuality”, “spreading immorality”, and “immoral acts”.

Besides, another court in Ibb, in southern Yemen, handed down death sentences against 13 students and flogging sentences to three others on charges of “spreading homosexuality”.

At present, Houthis are the best friends of Iran, and they have become key partners in Tehran’s quest for regional dominance. Iran is considered one of the most dangerous places to be gay. Under the Islamic Shariaa law practiced in Yemen and Iran, same-sex relations are a criminal offence and the punishment ranges from flogging to the death penalty.

The Houthi authorities must immediately quash the death sentences against these individuals and drop all charges related to their sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. They also must immediately and unconditionally release all individuals who are held solely based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.

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