Wednesday, June 26, 2024

President Biden pardons all veterans convicted under old military ban on gay sex

President Joe Biden pardoned thousands of gay veterans convicted and discharged under a now-repealed military law that banned gay sex. The announcement comes during the midst of Pride Month

President Biden said in a statement: “Our nation’s service members stand on the front lines of freedom, and risk their lives in order to defend our country."

“Today, I am righting an historic wrong by using my clemency authority to pardon many former service members who were convicted simply for being themselves.”

“Despite their courage and great sacrifice, thousands of LGBTQ+ service members were forced out of the military because of their sexual orientation or gender identity." 

"Some of these patriotic Americans were subject to court-martial, and have carried the burden of this great injustice for decades.”

“This is about dignity, decency, and ensuring the culture of our Armed Forces reflect the values that make us an exceptional nation,” he added.

This act of clemency means that thousands of military personnel who were convicted over six decades for engaging in consensual sexual intercourse with someone of the same sex would be able to apply for a certificate of pardon that would help them gain access to benefits that were previously withheld.

These benefits include healthcare, pensions, and more, significantly impacting the lives of those who were unjustly discharged. The administration is considering ways to connect veterans with pro bono attorneys who can assist in navigating the application process for discharge upgrades and other legal matters related to the pardon.

LGBTQ Americans are highly motivated to vote in November, with a majority preferring President Joe Biden to Donald Trump according to polling result released by GLAAD.

A historic move!!!

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