Monday, June 24, 2024

Thousands march at Budapest Pride 2024


Over 30,000 people marched at Budapest Pride to protest Hungary’s anti-LGBTQ+ laws.

All of them proved that the spirit of Pride is still alive in Hungary as they turned out to march at Budapest’s 29th annual Pride event.

The participants came together to celebrate Budapest Pride against the backdrop of an increasingly hostile legislative environment for LGBTQ citizens in Hungary, under Orban regime.

44 embassies signed a statement supporting the Budapest Pride, stating their support for members of the LGBTQ+ community and their rights to equality and non-discrimination, freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, and freedom from violence.

The European Commission decided to refer Hungary to the Court of Justice of the EU over a Hungarian law which discriminates against people on the basis of their sexual orientation and gender identity.

We stand with Hungary!!!

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