Monday, July 1, 2024

Istanbul Pride March celebrated again despite ban

In the midst of ongoing bans throughout Türkiye, İstanbul's LGBTI+ community managed to hold their 22nd Pride March in an unexpected location, once again surprising security forces.

The march began around 3.30 pm on Bağdat Avenue, a vibrant location on İstanbul’s Anatolian side. Despite the ban on almost all events during Pride Month, the LGBTI+ community managed to come together using alternative and creative methods, even though they could not publicly announce the route in advance.

The Pride Week Committee advised the crowd to disperse for safety reasons by leaving their flags behind. The event, which lasted about 10 minutes, concluded with a brief walk down Bağdat Avenue after a statement was read out. Police later arrived and began searching for LGBTI+ demonstrators in the side streets.

The Turkish activists made a statement on Bağdat Avenue:

After the march, a rainbow flag was hung from the Chackra building on Bağdat Avenue.

Happy Pride Türkiye!!!

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